Welcome to our fourth and final installment of Faculty Friday! It’s been a blast! If you missed the rest of the series, you can always see the entire cast of ArtsBridge Summer 2015 Faculty here. Today we’re highlighting Kevin Kittle, Stephanie Shroyer, and Victor Talmadge. * Kevin Kittle is joining us for his second year teaching […]
Welcome to our third installment of our Faculty Friday series, where we highlight our musical theater and acting faculty for ArtsBridge Summer 2015! If you missed our first posts, you can find our first one here and our second here. You can always see the entire ArtsBridge Summer faculty here. Today we’ve got the spotlight […]
In our View from the ArtBridge blog series, we’re highlighting members of the ArtsBridge community, mining them for advice for students still in the throes of the application process. Wondering where to apply? How to choose a college? How to prepare for your auditions? ArtsBridge students have advice! (If you missed our last interview with […]
Welcome to our second installment of Faculty Friday, where we put the spotlight on some of our acting and musical theater faculty for ArtsBridge Summer 2015! If you missed our first post, be sure to check it out here. Today we’re highlighting Gary Kline, David Maier, and Ralph Zito. Gary Kline will be joining us […]
If you’re a high school student with a serious interest in theater, you probably already know that summer isn’t the time to chill out by the pool or play video games all day; that certainly won’t impress the college admission committees. One productive way to spend your summer is to attend a rigorous summer theater program where […]
It’s Faculty Friday! A large part of what makes ArtsBridge Summer so special is our amazing faculty, so we are running a short blog series highlighting our acting and musical theater faculty for 2015. Check back every week to see who is featured on Faculty Friday. You can also always see the whole ArtsBridge Summer […]
For our second profile in our View from the ArtsBridge series (click here if you missed our first interview with Jordan Plutzer), we caught up with Matthew Liotine, one of our former ArtsBridge Summer students–from all the way back in 2010. We wanted to ask him how his senior year at Montclair State is going, […]
We caught up with one of our past ArtsBridge Summer students, Jordan Plutzer, to find out how he was doing in his first semester, and to ask if he had any advice for students about to attend their college auditions. Jordan is now a freshman in musical theatre at Carnegie Mellon University. When we spoke, Jordan […]
The right performing arts summer program requires the right fit. If you talk to enough college students in various theater programs, what’s interesting is that many of them will credit a summer arts program as being a key turning point in their acting or musical theater endeavors. Many have attended more than one program […]