• Apply for ArtsBridge Summer!

  • Best Summer Arts Programs? Our Picks For 2025!

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    Personally selected and highly rated programs by ArtsBridge students & faculty.

    Summer programs come in all shapes and sizes for visual and performing arts. So it really helps to know your options and have a list of recommendations. That’s why the ArtsBridge community has weighed in on our top selections for 2025 programs ranging from days to weeks in categories such as acting, dance, music, musical theater, and visual arts. Of course our own ArtsBridge Summer programs get rave reviews, but many of our students attend more than one program. While this is not a complete list, we hope it can help you identify the offerings that best suit you.

    Keep in mind that wherever you decide to apply, deadlines are looming! Don’t wait to decide what to do with your summer —you don’t want to be left home on the couch.

    A special shout out to ArtsBridge Summer attendees and everyone in the ArtsBridge community who contributed to this list of amazing programs! And if you need additional help, you should look into our college consulting services and get in touch!

    Acting/Musical Theater Summer Programs

    ArtsBridge Summer Dramatic Acting — Our two-week intensive prepares serious high school students for conservatory-style actor training and delivers the type of rigorous instruction found in top college programs. This program is designed to explore vital acting techniques, improve vocal and physical instruments, and get students prepared for the college audition process. Classes are taught by faculty from top colleges, conservatories, and universities from across the country. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    ArtsBridge Summer Musical Theater (& Musical Theater 2) — Our two-week intensive provides specialized guidance on what it takes to be a theater artist, from acting to song & dance with a particular focus on college admission in the performing arts. Students looking to major or minor in musical theater learn how to make the right college choice while gaining great insight into auditions and applications as well as technique and repertoire. Classes are taught by faculty from top colleges, conservatories, and universities from across the country. Musical Theater is open to rising high school seniors and Musical Theater 2 is open to rising high school juniors and sophomores. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    ArtsBridge Summer Screen Acting — In this one-week intensive, students will utilize and build upon their existing stage skills to explore the craft of acting for the screen. A series of exercises and hands-on experience will illuminate the differences between stage and screen. Students will film partnered scenes under professional direction and assist in the technical aspects of filming scenes for their peers. Students will leave the program with a professionally edited copy of their filmed scene. The program will also cover self-tape tips for college auditions. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    AMDA High School Summer Conservatory — AMDA’s High School Summer Conservatory offers intensives in Musical Theatre and Acting for Stage and Screen. Musical Theatre students expand their vocal performance skills and develop their audition book. Additionally, they train with experienced Broadway performers and directors. Acting for Stage and Screen students study new texts and playwrights, work with AMDA’s faculty and working artists, and leave the program with an on-camera scene for their reel. Both programs are open to high school students completing grades 8-12 and ages 14-19. Summer 2025 online & in New York City & Los Angeles, CA. Learn more

    Berklee College of Music, Musical Theater Workshop — Berklee’s Musical Theater Workshop is a rigorous, five-day course with professional-level training in voice, dance, acting, and audition technique. All students ages 15 and older with a background in musical theatre can register. Students take core classes in dance, acting, and voice in the mornings, and spend the afternoons in elective and audition technique classes, and the evenings are spent in ensemble rehearsals preparing for the final showcase. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Boston Conservatory, Musical Theater Acting Intensive (MTAI) — Boston Conservatory’s Musical Theater Acting Intensive is a rigorous, three-week program designed for emerging theater artists, ages 15 to 25. Students delve deep into the complex art of character development, with intensive studies in acting, singing, and movement. Students explore classical and contemporary repertoire, with daily classes in subjects ranging from Shakespeare to clowning to pop and rock vocal techniques. Throughout the three weeks, students will refine one to two audition pieces, so that they leave the program with the skills and confidence needed to nail their next audition. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Boston Conservatory, Musical Theater Dance Intensive (MTDI) — Boston Conservatory’s Musical Theater Dance Intensive offers talented young dancers the opportunity to deepen their skills and challenge their abilities as they work with Broadway veterans and acclaimed faculty in rigorous training in ballet, jazz, and theater dance. The dance program is complemented with classes in voice and acting to build triple-threat performers. Students will emerge from this three-week intensive with increased technical abilities in ballet, jazz, and theater dance, improved skills in choral ensemble work, and greater confidence in and understanding of acting skills and how they apply to “acting the song.” Students between the ages of 15 and 25 with significant dance experience are encouraged to apply. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Broadway Artists Alliance Summer Intensives — BAA offers five, one-week summer intensives for students with a strong technical foundation who want to expand and refine their skills. Students attend advanced Master Classes in their Major (Voice, Acting or Dance) and choose from additional electives to develop their talents. Sessions One, Two, and Three each culminate in an industry showcase where students perform a solo piece for NYC’s top casting directors, agents, and managers, and receive individual feedback. Session Four concludes with a fully staged showcase in an off-Broadway theater where students will perform a solo piece for an invited audience of family and friends, as well as NYC’s top casting directors, agents, and managers. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn More

    BroadwayEvolved NYC Summer Intensive — The Summer Intensive offers students 4 days of personalized training that covers acting, dance, vocal health, personal growth and development, college prep, audition prep, and more. The program is open to students ages 14 to 18. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn More

    Carnegie Mellon University, Pre-College Drama — This 6-week program offers focuses in Acting, Music Theater., and Design/Production. With a wide variety of classroom projects, workshops, lectures and demonstrations, and master classes, students, students prepare for the college audition and interview process. Acting and Musical Theater students enter the college application/audition process with a repertoire of monologues and songs and the skills needed to find appropriate material. Design/Production students leave the program with the beginning of a portfolio which they can continue to build for college applications. Summer 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA. Learn more

    Cornish College of the Arts, Summer@Cornish — Summer@Cornish is a 4-week intensive program offering high school students a mini-college experience at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle’s South Lake Union. Students create and showcase new work, with opportunities to take electives outside their primary art form, preparing them for future arts careers. The Musical & Theater Intensive explores all aspects of theater production. At the end of the program, students perform a musical, along with monologues and solos, for family and friends. Summer 2025 in Seattle, WA. Learn more

    Emerson College, Pre-College Acting Studio — This five-week program, which qualifies for four college credits, offers an introduction to acting training including classes in voice, movement, improvisation, scene study, auditioning technique/monologues, and stage combat. Classes are taught by Emerson’s Acting faculty, with additional specialty master classes offered by local professionals. Rising high school juniors and seniors who have the desire and maturity to receive constructive criticism about their work and give helpful feedback to others are encouraged to apply. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Emerson College, Pre-College Musical Theatre Studio — This five-week program, which qualifies for four college credits, offers rising high school juniors and seniors intense technique-based training to strengthen singing, acting, dance, and song interpretation. With its emphasis on process, the program mimics the training in the Emerson BFA Musical Theatre Program. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Florida State University, Summer Music Theatre Intensiv(MTI) — This intense 3-week summer workshop for rising high school juniors and seniors is designed for high school students that intend to pursue a degree or career in music theatre. Faculty for the program include the Program Heads of Florida State’s Music Theatre and Acting programs, faculty from their School of Theatre, and accomplished alumni. The program culminates in a final cabaret that is open to the public. Summer 2025 details TBA. Learn more

    French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts — French Woods is an individual choice performing arts summer camp serving ages 7 to 17. They offer programs in theater, dance, music, circus, magic, rock and roll, visual arts, film and video, sports, tennis, fitness, water sports, skate board, horseback riding, and more. Younger campers have more guidance and supervision, while older campers are able to take on some responsibility and have a chance to work in the areas of their interest. Campers participate in full scale productions and can take classes in improvisation, acting technique, commercial technique, creative writing, directing, dialects, musical theater, Shakespeare, stage combat, scene study, theatre games and more. Summer 2025 in Hancock, NY. Learn more

    Interlochen Arts Camp  Interlochen offers an impressive selection of summer theatre programs ranging from one to six weeks in length for students grades 3 to 12. Program areas for high school students include musical theatre, acting, costume design, design and production, and repertory theatre. Summer 2025 in Interlochen, MI. Learn more

    Ithaca College Summer Theatre Intensive — At Ithaca College’s three-week intensive, students can choose between three tracks: Acting, Musical Theatre, and Playwriting and Dramaturgy. During the program, which qualifies for 3 college credits, students experience college life and college-level courses, honing their skills in acting, singing, and dancing. The program also includes preparation for the college audition and interview process. Summer 2025 in Ithaca, NY. Learn more

    La Jolla Playhouse Conservatory — La Jolla Playhouse offers students grades 10 to 12 this intensive five-week experience to build the skills required by top college theatre programs. Students receive professional training in acting, scene study, voice and speech, ensemble-devised performance, and movement. During the program, students attend master classes with Playhouse artists, see world-premiere plays, engage with designer presentations, listen to first rehearsal read-throughs, and watch technical rehearsals of Playhouse shows. Summer 2025 in La Jolla, CA. Learn more

    Marymount Manhattan, Musical Theatre Program  — The Musical Theatre Program provides each student with individualized coaching, as well as a supportive learning community of students and theatre professionals. The two-week program gives students the tools to analyze a script and song, make informed acting choices, use music to propel the story, and understand the techniques required to create a digital pre-screen. The curriculum includes college audition prep, daily dance warm-up, musical theatre history, music fundamentals and analysis, panel discussions with MCC alumni and current students, Broadway guest seminars, optional private voice lessons, group viewings of Broadway shows, and a final showing for friends and family. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    The Muny Summer Intensive — This three-week program invites 12 rising high school junior and seniors to an immersive experience at a professional theater. In the first half of the Intensive, students prepare to perform in a Muny production, rehearsing alongside the professional cast. In master classes, students learn from industry professionals. In the second half of the Intensive, students take classes in song study, acting, musical theatre dance, improv and audition technique with college faculty. Summer 2025 in St Louis, MO. Learn more

    Neighborhood Playhouse, Six Week Summer Acting Intensive — The Summer Acting Intensive is modeled after Neighborhood Playhouse’s full-time Two Year Certificate Professional Actor Training Conservatory. This summer intensive is open to students of all ages and varying levels of experience and training. Students experience six weeks of training in the foundations of the Meisner Technique. Coursework includes acting, voice and speech, acting for camera, and dance. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    Northwestern University, National High School Institute (Cherubs) — The Theatre Arts Division is an immersive, hands-on exploration into stage performance and production. A rigorous combination of classes and rehearsals provide students with a challenging and inspiring learning environment every day for 5 to 7 weeks. Working with professional theatre practitioners from around the country, students receive extraordinary training in a collaborative and supportive environment. Every student performs in one of the final performances at the end of the program. Summer 2025 in Evanston, IL. Learn more

    NYU, Tisch, Summer High School — In each four-week program, students are enrolled in college-level courses with a curriculum that includes projects, professional training, and collaboration. The summer program is open to high school sophomores and juniors from around the world. Artistic tracks of interest to theater students include Dance, Drama, Production & Design, and Dramatic Writing. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    Oklahoma City University, High School Musical Theater Program — In this three-week program, students in grades 9 to 12 experience the life of college musical theatre major with master classes from OCU faculty, live auditions, and live dance placements. Students have an intense daily schedule, learning and performing a fully-staged musical in just three weeks. Summer 2025 in Oklahoma City, OK. Learn more

    Open Jar Institute, Broadway Summer Intensive — During this week-long intensive, students learn directly from Broadway professionals in workshops in acting, singing, dancing, and audition technique. Students learn dance combinations from Broadway shows, take acting classes, work their audition songs, meet with casting directors and agents, and see four Broadway shows. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    Paper Mill Playhouse, Summer Musical Theater Conservatory — In this demanding five-week program, students ages 10-18 build their professional skills under the guidance of Paper Mill’s professional artistic staff. The curriculum includes classes in acting, auditioning, vocal technique, and dance as well as a series of guest artist workshops. The program enhances performance skills and instills the technique, discipline, and professionalism needed to excel in the performing arts. Summer 2025 in Milburn, NJ. Learn more

    Penn State University, Summer Theatre Artistic Training Experience (S.T.A.T.E.)  An intensive two-week musical theatre summer program for rising high school juniors and seniors. Students train in voice, acting, and dance with with Penn State’s Musical Theatre faculty, guest professionals, and notable alumni. The curriculum also includes private instruction, studio classes, master classes, and cabarets. Summer 2025 in University Park, PA. Learn more

    Perry-Mansfield Intensives — Perry-Mansfield offers two summer theater intensives for high school aged artists: a four-week Young Artist Intensive for students ages 12 to 15 and a six-week Pre-Professional Intensive for students ages 15 to 18.  Students study with some of the nation’s finest theatre professionals and teachers and are featured in theatrical productions. In addition to classes, students select from a range of electives to further explore their craft and compliment their training. Evening rehearsals and performances prepare actors for the rigor and artistic range required in today’s demanding professional world. Summer 2025 in Steamboat Springs, CO. Learn more

    Southeastern Summer Theater Institute (SSTI) — SSTI offers two sessions of their four-week program for students in grades 8-12. Each sessions includes three weeks of rehearsal and performance and one week of master classes with college and professional coaches The program features small session sizes, professionally crafted productions, hands-on technical theatre intensives, and masterclasses with Broadway stars. Summer 2025 in Hilton Head Island, SC. Learn more

    Stagedoor Manor — Experience total theater immersion combined with the fun of a great summer camp. With 3-week sessions, young performers, ages 10 to 18, find expression and fulfillment on stage and in the classroom. Summer 2025 in Loch Sheldrake, NY. Learn more

    Stella Adler, Teen Summer Conservatory — The Stella Adler Studio of Acting offers this rigorous five-week acting program for students ages 14-18. Based on the insight that “growth as an actor and growth as a human being are synonymous,” students are acquainted not only with core elements of actor training but with the artistic, cultural and humanistic values that support a life in the theater and film. The curriculum includes classes in voice and speech, movement, improvisation, script interpretation, scene study, Shakespeare and acting technique as well as additional master classes. Stella Adler also offers a five-week Musical Theater Workshop that can be taken in addition to the Teen Summer Conservatory or by itself. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    Syracuse University, Summer College: Musical Theater — This 2-week, pre-college program for rising high school juniors and seniors develops the abilities of experienced performers who are serious about musical theater and eager to work hard. Students grow creatively in the areas of acting, singing, and dance under the direction of acclaimed professional performers and teachers. Summer 2025 in Syracuse, NY. Learn more

    Texas State University, NEXUS Musical Theatre Pre-College Intensive — Nexus offers holistic, wellness-based training in musical theatre performance to prepare students for four-year training programs and professional work. The curriculum includes OneVoice Workshops, acting classes, monologue and song coaching, dance classes, audition prep, and a variety of wellness and performance workshops. Summer 2025 in San Marcos, TX. Learn more

    UCLA, Acting and Performance Summer Institute — UCLA offers this three-week intensive for high school students with a serious interest in theater arts. Students begin their days with tai-chi exercises, followed by acting and movement classes. Additional classes include classical acting, combat, acting for the camera, and playwriting. In the afternoon, students participate in the performance workshop, gaining experience in the rehearsal and performance process. The program ends with a final showcase for invited guests. Students earn four college credits. Summer 2025 in Los Angeles, CA. Learn more

    University of Cincinnati, College Conservatory of Music (CCM), Musical Theatre Workshop CCM Prep’s Summer Musical Theatre Workshop is designed for talented, motivated and dedicated high school students, rising sophomores through seniors, who have a strong interest in and passion for musical theatre. Voice, dance, and acting are taught by conservatory faculty and local professionals as well as faculty of CCM Prep. Auditions are required. Summer 2025 in Cincinnati, OH. Learn more

    University of Michigan, MPulse Summer Performing Arts Institutes  — MPulse provides residential summer programs for over 200 young artists who intend to pursue music performance, theatre, music technology, dance, and musical theatre at the college level. This year the theater institutes offered include the Musical Theater Workshop and the Theater & Drama Academy (with tracks in Performance and Design & Production). The Theatre & Drama Academy is open to rising high school juniors and seniors. The Musical Theatre Workshop is open to rising high school seniors, although applications from rising high school juniors of exceptional ability may also be considered. Summer 2025 in Ann Arbor, MI. Learn more

    University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Drama Summer Intensive — Faculty members of UNCSA’s renowned School of Drama, along with distinguished guest artists, are the instructors in this 3-week summer intensive. Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors with passion and the desire to be immersed in the fundamentals of acting, singing, and dancing are eligible to apply. Both Acting and Musical Theatre tracks are offered. Summer 2025 in Winston-Salem, NC. Learn more

    University of Southern California, High School Summer Conservatory — The USC School of the Dramatic Arts offers three different four-week programs as part of their High School Summer Conservatory: Acting Intensive, Comedy Performance, and Musical Theatre. In all three programs, high school students have the opportunity to work with theatre professionals and explore creative experiences in the dramatic arts. Summer 2025 in Los Angeles, CA. Learn more

    Walnut Hill Summer Theater Intensive — In this four-week program, students develop theatrical ability, skills, and knowledge through performance and classroom work for further study in school and college. All students will be cast in a musical and two plays. Students leave with new friends, stronger performance skills, a heightened sense of accomplishment, and a confidence that applies to all facets of their lives. Hosted on the campus of the Walnut Hill School for the Arts. Summer 2025 in Natick, MA. Learn more

    The Wright Way Intensives — In this week-long intensive, students train with top industry professionals as they devise a brand new theatrical showcase for friends, family, and an invited industry panel of agents, managers, and casting directors. Instructors are prominent Broadway and Entertainment Industry professionals who provide students with an intensive education in a fun, safe, and supportive environment. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    Young Artists of America — Young Artists of America’s Summer Performing Arts Intensives offer a rigorous and inspirational environment for students of all ages interested in growing their musical theater skills in voice, acting, and dance from the region’s top faculty. Summer 2025 in Washington, D.C. Learn more

    College Admission Preparation Summer Programs

    ArtsBridge Summer JumpStart This one-week college application and essay bootcamp is designed to prepare you for the college admission process, complete a significant amount of the workload, and present your best self to prospective colleges. During JumpStart, students work closely with our experienced team of college admission and essay experts, who work year-round guiding high school students on all aspects of the college admission process both academic and artistic. ArtsBridge college counselors provide a comprehensive review of the application process, including deadlines, requirements, and best practices as well as one-on-one support as students complete most or all of the main sections of the Common App. JumpStart is open to rising high school seniors. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    Visual Arts Summer Programs

    Boston University, Visual Arts Summer Institute (VASI) – The Boston University School of Visual Arts’ Summer Institute offers high school students, ages 15 to 18, an intensive four-week visual arts program designed to help students build exceptional portfolios. The curriculum is modeled after the foundational courses of Boston University students and includes drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mixed media figure drawing, art conversations, and special workshops. Students earn three college credits and leave the program with photographs of their work ready to be included in their portfolios. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Carnegie Mellon University, Pre-College Art This four-week program for rising high school juniors and seniors introduces students to the spirit and substance of the CMU School of Art culture through challenging courses, critique, portfolio development, and energetic interaction with dedicated faculty and talented peers. Students explore traditional tools and new technologies in a variety of media, developing their conceptual and technical skills. Summer 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA. Learn more

    French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts — French Woods is an individual choice performing arts summer camp serving ages 7 to 17. They offer programs in theater, dance, music, circus, magic, rock and roll, visual arts, film and video, sports, tennis, fitness, water sports, skate board, horseback riding, and more. Younger campers have more guidance and supervision, while older campers are able to take on some responsibility and have a chance to work in the areas of their interest. Campers interested in visual arts can take classes in drawing, painting, ceramics, photography, jewelry making, stained glass, screen printing, leather working, woodworking, and traditional crafts. Summer 2025 in Hancock, NY. Learn more

    Interlochen Arts Camp — Interlochen offers an impressive selection of summer visual arts programs ranging from one to six weeks in length for students grades 3 to 12. Visual arts programs for students in grades 9-12 include drawing, painting, fashion, and college portfolio prep. Summer 2025 in Interlochen, MI. Learn more

    Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Summer Pre-College Art and Design Residency Program MICA’s program offers rising high school juniors and seniors a transformative, college-level art experience. The curriculum includes live instruction, independent studio time, community events, workshops, and artist talks. Course offerings include illustration, ceramics, fiber arts, graphic design, printmaking, fashion, drawing, painting, and more. Students can choose from two-week or four-week in-person sessions. Summer 2025 in Baltimore, MD. Learn more

    Parsons School of Design, Youth & Pre-College Programs — The New School’s Parsons School of Design offers summer courses for high school artists, giving them to opportunity to work with Parsons faculty to develop their skills in a wide variety of fines arts and design. Courses include animation, architecture, fashion design, fine arts, game design, graphic design, illustration, interior design, photography, portfolio development, and more. Parsons offers four programs: Summer Intensive Studies New York, a 3-week, program for rising juniors and seniors, Summer Intensive Studies Paris, a 3-week program for rising juniors and seniors and recent graduates, Parsons Summer Academy, a 2-week program offered in New York for students in grades 3-12, and Online Summer Intensive Studies, a four-week program for students ages 16-18. Summer 2025 in New York, NY; Paris, France; and online. Learn more

    Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), Summer Academy — PAFA’s four-week program provides talented and motivated high school students with a college-level art-making experience. Students take rigorous courses in drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking and have the opportunity to earn four college-level credits. Courses are taught by PAFA’s faculty of practicing artists and the final week includes an in-depth portfolio review with PAFA Admissions staff. Summer 2025 details TBA. Learn more

    Pratt Institute, PreCollege Summer Program — In this 4-week program, high school students have an invaluable opportunity to develop technical skills, add to their portfolios, get a taste of college life, and earn elective college credits. Credit courses provide and introduction to Pratt’s undergraduate curriculum and are supplemented with workshops, seminars, and special events. Courses offered in the past include foundation art, architecture, animations, comic book/sequential art, creative writing, fashion design, film/video, painting & drawing, sculpture, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, interior design, jewelry, and photography. Summer 2025 in Brooklyn, NY. Learn more

    Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Pre-College — This five-week summer residential program offers high school students a comprehensive introduction to the college art school experience. Students follow a college-level studio curriculum with day-long studio classes, critiques, and final projects. Students strengthen their portfolios with guidance from renowned instructors and working alongside other motivated young artists. Summer 2025 in Providence, RI. Learn more

    School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), Early College Program Summer Institute – SAIC offers multiple sessions of their program for high school visual artists, ranging in one to four weeks. The program helps students prepare a competitive portfolio for college admission. Students have the opportunity to study with passionate teachers and acclaimed practicing artists, designers, and scholars, many of whom teach in the undergraduate program at SAIC. Many courses are offered in the areas of animation, painting, drawing, comics/graphic novels, architecture, photography, fashion, sculpture, and more. Summer 2025 both online and in Chicago, IL. Learn more about online or in-person

    UCLA, Art Summer Institute — UCLA offers two sessions of this two-week intensive for talented and highly motivated students in grades 8-12. Each session is structured around a combination of daily, focused studio work, artist lectures, group critiques, and one-on-one meetings with faculty. Students may enroll in one or both two-week sessions and choose from tracks including Drawing, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, and Video Art & Experimental Animation. Summer 2025 in Los Angeles, CA. Learn more

    University of Michigan, Stamps School of Art & Design, Pre-College Portfolio Prep – Stamps is offering both online and in-person sessions of their Portfolio Prep program for current high school students grades 9-11. This intensive program is focused on developing and curating a competitive portfolio for college applications. Coursework reflects the structure and rigor of the first year undergraduate experience at Stamps. The curriculum includes four studio classes (Drawing Studio, 2D Studio, 3D Studio, & 4D Studio), portfolio reviews & guidance, and field trips to local museums and cultural institutions for in-person students. Summer 2025 in Ann Arbor, MI. Learn more

    Walnut Hill Summer Visual Arts Programs – Four programs to inspire your creativity! Unleash your imagination and dive into the world of interactive storytelling in Game Design: Crafting Interactive Stories. In this week-long Twine course, you’ll learn how to create text-based games and branching narratives using Twine, a simple yet powerful tool. June 22 – 28, 2025. The Fashion Immersion program unites conceptual apparel illustration skills with practical construction skills, culminating in an online fashion show. July 13 – 19, 2025. The Visual Art Exploration experience offers focused instruction in painting, drawing, printmaking, and ceramics to young, talented artists who are serious about their work. July 13 – 25, 2025. Camraless Photography exposes participants to alternative ways of making and thinking about an image. August 3 – 9, 2025. Summer 2025 in Natick, MA. Learn more

    Music Summer Programs

    Vocal and Instrumental:

    ArtsBridge Summer Classical Vocal Performance — ArtsBridge Summer Classical Vocal Performance offers high school singers intensive voice study with faculty from top college programs. Students will concentrate on art song, opera aria, and classic Musical Theater repertoire. Curriculum will focus on text study & storytelling, language & diction, vocology, and how to be successful in college auditions! All students will receive individual voice lessons and coachings, along with group classes in repertoire and performance strategies. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    ArtsBridge Summer Contemporary Vocal Performance — ArtsBridge Summer Contemporary Vocal Performance offers high school singers intensive voice study with faculty from top college programs. During their time in residence, students will explore a diverse array of contemporary commercial repertoire including pop, rock, country, jazz, R&B, singer-songwriter, and more. Curriculum will include classes in lyric interpretation, performance skills, vocal health and wellness, and techniques to ace an audition! Students will also receive private voice lessons and coachings. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    Belmont Summer Vocal Arts Intensive — The Belmont Summer Vocal Arts Intensive is a week-long immersive experience in solo and choral singing in a variety of styles. Students entering grades 9-12 will engage in rehearsals, masterclasses, and performances with the outstanding artistic faculty at Belmont University. The Summer Vocal Arts Intensive provides a unique opportunity to experience high level artistry in both classical and commercial singing. Summer 2025 in Nashville, TN. Learn more

    Berklee College of Music Summer Programs — Berklee offers a wide range of residential summer programs at both its Boston and Valencia, Spain campuses and in Los Angeles on the campus of the Colburn School. Programs range from one to five weeks. Explore the world of classical and contemporary music in your choice of medium: performance, composition, songwriting, production, business, theater, and dance — the list goes on! Berklee is also offering a selection of online summer courses. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA; Los Angeles, CA; and Valencia, Spain. Learn more

    Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Vocal Choral Intensive (VCI) — A two-week summer program for high school-aged singers who are focused on musical theater or classical music. Taught by Conservatory faculty, the curriculum strengthens foundational and performance skills through classes in performance, Alexander Technique, repertoire, and theory and sight-singing, as well as coachings and voice lessons, Breathing Bootcamp, and a Shakespeare-centered acting project. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Boston University Tanglewood Institute (BUTI) — Under the guidance of professional conductors, artists/teachers, and Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) members, students ages 14 to 20 experience high-quality training in a curriculum that includes a focus on the fundamentals of technique and musicianship, group masterclasses, individual lessons, academic classes, and performances. Areas of study include composition, harp, percussion, piano, strings, wind & brass, and voice. Summer 2025 in Lenox, MA. Learn more

    Brevard Music Center (BMC) Summer Institute & Festival — More than 500 gifted students come to the Music Center every summer to study with a distinguished faculty of over 80 artists from the nation’s leading orchestras, colleges, and conservatories. Over the past eight decades, BMC has welcomed many of the world’s most famous musicians to perform with talented student orchestras. Students ages 14 and up learn by sitting with principal players from major symphonies, attending seminars with Grammy-winning composers, working with masterful conductors and soloists, and attending the nearly 80 performances presented each season. Summer 2025 in Brevard, NC. Learn more

    Carnegie Mellon University, Pre-College Music — This program provides rising high school juniors and seniors with an opportunity to immerse themselves in conservatory-style training. The curriculum includes private studio lessons, major performing ensembles and music support courses. Students can choose either the 3-week or 6-week option and one of four major studios offered: Composition, Instrumental Performance, Music Technology/Electronic Music, and Vocal Performance. Residential full-time and commuter full-time and part-time options are available. Summer 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA. Learn more

    Eastern Music Festival (EMF) — In this rigorous, experiential learning program, musicians ages 14-23 have the opportunity to learn and perform as well as to converse with faculty about the professional careers of musicians. EMF offers two or five-week programs in several areas including Orchestra, Piano, Guitar, Conducting, and Euphonium Tuba as well as fellowships in multiple instruments for young professional musicians. Summer 2025 in Greensboro, NC. Learn more

    French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts — French Woods is an individual choice performing arts summer camp serving ages 7 to 17. They offer programs in theater, dance, music, circus, magic, rock and roll, visual arts, film and video, sports, tennis, fitness, water sports, skate board, horseback riding, and more. Younger campers have more guidance and supervision, while older campers are able to take on some responsibility and have a chance to work in the areas of their interest. Students are given instruction on all levels and perform in ensembles based on their age/ability and schedule. Both group and individual private lessons are available from the staff for all orchestral instruments. Summer 2025 in Hancock, NY. Learn more

    Greenwood Music Camp, Senior Camp — In this five-week chamber music program, students participate in chamber music and orchestra and chorus in a warm, non-competitive environment. The Senior Camp is open to students ages 13 to 18 with prior chamber music and orchestral experience. Summer 2025 in Cummington, MA. Learn more

    Interlochen Arts Camp — Live, learn and perform with young musicians from all over the world, in this program led by a distinguished faculty and renowned conductors. Interlochen offers music programs for grades 3 to 12. High school students can attend a variety of one to six-week programs in most orchestral instruments as well as programs for jazz piano, jazz performance and improvisation, music composition, music production and engineering, popular music performance, singer-songwriting, and voice and opera. Summer 2025 in Interlochen, MI. Learn more

    Kinhaven Music School, Senior Session — At Kinhaven’s Senior Session, ninety high-school-aged musicians are challenged by a variety of repertoire as they gather for six weeks to play chamber music, chamber orchestra, symphony orchestra, and large ensembles. The program also includes private music lessons, large and small chorales, and other recreational activities. Students experience community, shared learning, and mutual support in an encouraging environment. Kinhaven also offers programs for middle school students and adults. Summer 2025 in Weston, VT. Learn more

    Meadowmount School of Music — This seven-week program for exceptional violin, viola, and cello players balances intense practice and physical recreation to ensure that students remain focused and productive. An emphasis on chamber music provides social interaction and personal development in an artistic context. The curriculum includes private lessons and practice time, concerts, chamber music coaching, chamber music rehearsals, studio classes, rehearsals with accompanists, master classes, and off-campus recreational activities. Summer 2025 in Westport, NY. Learn more

    MPulse Summer Performing Arts Institutes (University of Michigan) — MPulse provides residential summer programs for over 200 young artists who intend to pursue music performance, theatre, music technology, dance, and musical theatre at the college level. This year the vocal and instrumental institutes offered include Center Stage Strings, Clarinet, Flute, Harp, Jazz, Percussion, Saxophone, Tuba/Euphonium, and Vocal Arts. Summer 2025 in Ann Arbor, MI. Learn more

    Walnut Hill String Quartet Intensive — The Walnut Hill String Quartet Intensive provides advanced young string players ages 11-18 an exceptional week of coachings, masterclasses and a private lesson with inspiring faculty dedicated to each students’ growth. Hosted on the campus of Walnut Hill School for the Arts. Summer 2025 in Natick, MA. Learn more

    Walnut Hill Summer Voice Intensive — Young singers are invited to join expert faculty to explore classical art song and lyrical musical theater repertoire in a supportive and encouraging environment. Hosted on the campus of Walnut Hill School for the Arts. Summer 2025 in Natick, MA. Learn more

    Queens Summer Vocal Institute — The Queens Summer Vocal Institute provides each young artist with a strong foundation of essential tools to excel in the competitive world of vocal performance. Led by acclaimed regional and international professionals, this intensive summer program is sure to train, motivate and inspire each young singer! Summer 2025 in Flushing, NY. Learn more

    Jazz/Contemporary Music:

    ArtsBridge Summer Contemporary Vocal Performance — ArtsBridge Summer Contemporary Vocal Performance offers high school singers intensive voice study with faculty from top college programs. During their time in residence, students will explore a diverse array of contemporary commercial repertoire including pop, rock, country, jazz, R&B, singer-songwriter, and more. Curriculum will include classes in lyric interpretation, performance skills, vocal health and wellness, and techniques to ace an audition! Students will also receive private voice lessons and coachings. Summer 2025 in Berea, OH. Learn more

    Berklee College of Music, Aspire: Five-Week Music Performance Intensive — Berklee’s Five Week is the largest, most comprehensive summer music program available with diversity of study options, world-class faculty, visiting artists, and state-of-the-art facilities. Students play in ensembles, develop improvisational and reading skills, and improve their technique in weekly private lessons. The program culminates with a final week of concerts where students perform for faculty, fellow students, family, and friends. Students can earn three college credits. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Litchfield Jazz Camp — Founded in 1997, Litchfield Jazz Camp gives about 300 residential and day students the opportunity to work with a faculty of amazing and inspiring jazz musicians who represent the best jazz players and educators on the scene today. Litchfield is a non-competitive, all-inclusive program. No audition is required – just a desire to attend and make music. Students can attend one to four-week sessions. Summer 2025 in Washington, CT. Learn more

    Skidmore Jazz Institute — The institute provides a new generation of musicians the opportunity to mingle with and learn from gifted educators and world-class performers in an intimate and supportive environment. Students work closely with faculty in daily combo rehearsals, private lessons, and improvisational and special classes on Skidmore’s campus. Summer 2025 in Saratoga Springs, NY. Learn more

    Stanford Jazz Workshop, Jazz Camp — One-and two-week programs on Stanford’s beautiful campus offer instrumentalists and vocalists an opportunity to study and play with motivated peers and a prestigious faculty of professional musicians and educators. Ages of participants are mixed with the idea that young players can learn directly from living legends, touring artists, and recording pros. Students ages 12 to 17 are eligible for the Jazz Camp. With a focus on improving improvisation skills, the Jazz Camp includes jazz theory and musicianship classes and instrument specific and vocal master classes. Summer 2025 in Stanford, CA. Learn more

    Walnut Hill Jazz Intensive – The Walnut Hill Summer Jazz Intensive is a one week program open to aspiring young jazz musicians on all instruments and voice. The program is performance-centered, and it also includes workshops on jazz theory, jazz history, and an optional jazz composition session. If you are a serious young jazz musician who is looking to connect with other serious players and singers, while bringing your skills and knowledge to the next level, then this is for you! Summer 2025 in Natick, MA. Learn more

    Music Technology/Production:

    Berklee Music Production Workshop – In this 3-day program, students delve into music production techniques with Berklee’s world-renowned Music Production and Engineering Department faculty and facilities. The entire experience is customizable, allowing students to select their classes, which include topics such as modern record production, multitrack recording and mixing techniques, and DJ production skills. The weekend culminates in a keynote address and presentation featuring a noted industry professional. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Carnegie Mellon University, Pre-College Music Technology – This course gives an overview of music technology through practical information and several hands-on projects.  Concepts such as MIDI and digital audio are introduced and specific topics are covered in detail including sequencing, music notation, digital recording, mixing, and production.  Throughout the course, students are required to complete several projects and create musical compositions in styles of their own choosing. Summer 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA. Learn more

    GRAMMY Camp – GRAMMY Camp is a 7-day non-residential music industry program for high school students interested in careers in music that takes place every July on the campus of the University of Southern California. Students from across the country apply for one of eight career tracks. GRAMMY Camp faculty of music professionals, as well as guest professionals, provide valuable insight to give campers the best chance at achieving success in their chosen career. Summer 2025 in Los Angeles, CA. Learn more

    New York University Tisch Summer High School, Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music – During this four-week summer program, high school students become entrepreneurs-in-training by studying how music is recorded, produced, and distributed to consumers. To complement the technical training, students will also learn how music companies are conceptualized, created, and grown as well as how new technologies are changing the way we hear music. Summer 2025 in New York, NY. Learn more

    Oberlin Conservatory, Sonic Arts Workshop – This program will cover issues of interest to advanced current high school composers, who have not yet graduated, heading toward conservatory studies and those generally interested in experimenting with electroacoustic music production and its intersections with other disciplines. Students have an opportunity to focus on the composition of electroacoustic music and expand their technical and creative resources during the Workshop. Topics include digital audio editing and manipulation, real-time computer music performance techniques, and discussion of pieces from the field’s growing repertoire. Summer 2025 in Oberlin, OH. Learn more

    Syracuse University, Setnor Music Production and Audio Engineering – This course gives young students the opportunity to learn and work in a state of the art music production facility with experienced professionals. Students will be introduced to both the art and science of audio engineering as relates to modern music production. Students will gain familiarity with working both inside and outside of the box. Students will have the opportunity to experience creating music with modern, industry standard tools including a Neve Genysys mixing console, hardware from Manley, Avalon, Millenia, Tube Tech and Empirical Labs (among others), microphones from Neumann, Royer, and Coles (among many others), and Pro Tools, Waves, and Native Instruments (among others) software. Students will additionally be able to experience vintage equipment from Neve, Pultec and others. Summer 2025 in Syracuse, NY. Learn more 

    Dance Summer Programs

    Alonzo King Lines Ballet Summer Programs — Young dancers are guided through a collaborative journey of artistic risk-taking and independent thinking to explore, solve problems, and realize their full potential. Designed for aspiring artists ages 11 to 25, these intensive programs support the growth of the contemporary ballet dancer with training that is rooted in the philosophy and guidance of master choreographer Alonzo King. The Junior Program is for ages 11-14, the Advanced Program is for ages 14-17, and the Pre-Professional Program is for ages 18-25. Summer 2025 in San Francisco, CA. Learn more

    Boston Conservatory at Berklee Summer Dance Intensive (SDI) — This three-week intensive offers talented young dancers the opportunity to deepen their skills and challenge their abilities as they work with esteemed professionals and acclaimed faculty in contemporary ballet, modern dance, and improvisation. Students and professionals between the ages of 15 to 22 who possess a strong technical background in ballet are encouraged to apply. Summer 2025 in Boston, MA. Learn more

    Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, Summer Ballet Intensive Program — This 5-week summer program provides excellent technical training for dancers with previous experience ages 7-18. The program focuses on advancing strength and technique and building confidence through a curriculum that merges technique and artistry. Supplemental classes have included character, pointe, variations, modern, partnering, jazz, and hip-hop.​ Summer 2025 in Carlisle, PA. Learn more

    Kaatsbaan Ballet Intensive — In 2 or 3-week sessions, young dancers ages 13-18 train with accomplished New York dance artists in group ballet classes. To prepare for a career in the arts, dancers develop exceptional technical skills, artistic refinement and a sophisticated approach to repertoire. Training includes daily ballet technique and specialty classes and opportunities to fine tune classical solos and corps de ballet repertoire. Summer 2025 in Tivoli, NY. Learn more

    Oklahoma City University, Dance Advantage Summer Dance Intensive — Hosted by the Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Entertainment at Oklahoma City University, Dance Advantage dance camps are for dancers who dream of working on Broadway or in the entertainment industry. Areas covered include Musical Theater Dance, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Rhythm Tap, Ballet, Triple Threat Classes, Acting, and Singing. Classes are taught by Oklahoma City University’s nationally recognized faculty and encourage technical growth and personal development. The workshop will culminate with a showcase performance on the final day of each session. Summer 2025 details TBA. Learn more

    Perry-Mansfield Intensives — Perry-Mansfield offers two summer dance intensives for high school aged artists: a four-week Young Artist Intensive for students ages 12 to 15 and a six-week Pre-Professional Intensive for students ages 15 to 18. Both intensives includes core classes in ballet, modern, and jazz dance and electives in theatre, visual art, equestrian, and creative writing. Evening rehearsals and performances prepare dancers for the rigor and artistic range required in today’s demanding professional world. Summer 2025 in Steamboat Springs, CO. Learn more

    Point Park University, International Summer Dance —  International Summer Dance is a 2, 3, or 6-week program that specializes in three styles: ballet, jazz and modern. The curriculum includes daily technique classes in ballet, jazz and modern, supplemented by Pointe and variations, male technique, pas de deux, tap, music for dancers, Pilates, and yoga. Summer 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA. Learn More

    San Francisco Ballet Summer Session — San Francisco Ballet’s summer session programs provide a deep dive into ballet technique for students as they prepare for careers as professional ballet dancers. The programs, taught by San Francisco Ballet School faculty and special guests, have a core curriculum that includes technique, pointe for girls, and batterie for boys. Additional classes may include repertoire, pas de deux, character dance, pantomime, and conditioning class. Program 1 is for intermediate students ages 12 to 16 and Program 2 is for advanced and pre-professional students ages 15 to 18. Summer 2025 in San Francisco, CA. Learn more

    The Washington School of Ballet, Pre-Professional Summer Intensive — This intensive audition-based program offers comprehensive training in both classical ballet and contemporary dance for serious students ages 12 and older seeking a rigorous curriculum. Classes include classical ballet technique, pointe work, variations, men’s technique, flamenco, jazz, contemporary, Pilates, and student choreography. The Washington School of Ballet provides a safe, nurturing environment enabling each student to explore their technical and artistic capabilities. Summer 2025 in Washington, DC. Learn more

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