• Congrats ArtsBridge Class of 2024! >

  • New Client Information and Questionnaire (Fashion)

    Student Name:*
    Student Pronouns:*
    Student Mailing Address*
    Student Email:*
    Student Date of Birth (enter as mm/dd/yyyy):*
    Student (or parent) Skype/Zoom/FaceTime Username:
    Student Mobile Number:*
    Current School Name:*
    Graduation Year:*
    Current School City:*
    Current School State:*
    Name of High School/College Guidance Counselor:*
    High School/College Guidance Counselor Email:*
    Parent/Guardian #1 Name:*
    Parent/Guardian #1 Mailing Address*
    Parent/Guardian #1 Preferred Phone Number:*
    Parent/Guardian Email:*
    Parent/Guardian #2 Name:
    Parent/Guardian #2 Address
    Parent/Guardian #2 Preferred Phone Number:
    Parent/Guardian #2 Email:
    Please list any private teachers you currently work with. Include contact information and what you study with them.*
    Please describe your training, including the number of years you have been studying your art form.*
    Do you have any experience with sewing or drawing the fashion figure?*
    What most interests you in fashion?*
    Do you have any favorite fashion brands or designers?*
    What area of fashion would you like to design for? Menswear, womenswear, childrenswear, etc.?*
    What possible majors/minors are you considering?*
    Imagine your ideal college. What qualities would it have? Be specific and take some time to think about this.*
    In the likelihood that you will not be able to find all of these qualities in one university, which one or two would be most important to you?*
    Have you visited any colleges? If so, which ones, and what did you think?*
    What specific schools are you already interested in applying to and why?*
    Please list the dates of all PSAT, SAT, SAT II, and/or ACT tests you have taken or plan to take. Be sure to also include the score you received.*
    Have you attended any summer programs? Please list each and the dates attended.*
    Which parts of the college admissions process are you most excited about? Unsure about? What aspects do you feel you need the most help with?*

    Take the first step to the finest arts education.

    Let's Talk